Outdoor games

Организуйте свои Олимпийские игры на склонах.

Whose throwing game is strong? Who has the funniest excuses when losing? Find it out by organising a outdoors game day for the family or friends.

Outdoor games package 10 € / group

Get all the funniest yard games for one day. The package is available to buy when the sport shop is open (Mon.–Fri. 10 am–16 pm).

Have a little game with one basket or organise a throwing competition. 

Not every game is about throwing something. Grab the rackets and take it easy with this one.  

A finnish summer classic! Throw a «mölkky» and try to collect points by knocking over wooden numbered pins.

This french throwing game is all about patience and precision. You can play Petanque in the teams of 1 to 3 players. 

Pole tennis
Easier version of the classic game. Great for the smaller kids.

Hit the ball through the gates and challenge other players by building the game course to the fell terrain.

Mini javelin throw
Train your throwing skills less seriously with the mini javelin. Finns are usually pretty good in this one.

Maybe the most popular one of the cabin games. Train your technique to the perfection and aim to the center of the dartboard.

Like the name says, frisbeegolf is pretty similar to golf but is played with the frisbees. When playing this game in Sallatunturi you are able to explore the beautiful fell nature in a wider scale.


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